Blogmas 2015

Oh boy... Well based on the title of this post, I'm sure you can guess what this is about. If you follow me on twitter, then you'll have that much more of an inkling as to what this all means, seeing as I put out a poll regarding this undertaking four hours ago. The majority that responded to the poll seemed to like the idea of me partaking in this endeavor. That being said, here is my official announcement that "hells yaaa" I'm going to do attempt Blogmas this year!!

For those of you who don't know what Blogmas is, it is a hefty task. Any blogger who takes on this challenge makes it a point to post every day from the first of December until Christmas. So get excited because that means you'll be hearing from me everyday from December 1st-25th!! 

Once upon a time, back when this blog was a baby, I made a (quite pitiful) effort to take on Blogmas. Alas, it wasn't a success back in the day. I'm hoping this year will be a different story, though, seeing as I know what to except and I'm much more prepared, despite me having decided to do this less than an hour ago. 

Before my first official Blogmas post is published in THREE DAYS, I'd just like to say that I am a full-time college student with finals fast approaching and I work part-time, so don't be too surprised if I miss a day here and there. I shall try my best! I already have a schedule of which posts will go up which days and have even started a few, so hopefully I will be able to complete this wholly. If not, now you know why. :)

How excited are you for my incessant posting this December? (lawl.) Are you doing Blogmas this year, too? 


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  1. Ooh I'm excited to see what you got planned for us! Good luck on your upcoming finals! Mine are coming up pretty soon as well. Crazy how fast this quarter has gone by, let alone this year! Can't believe it's already almost the holidays!

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

  2. I'm looking forward to reading all your Blogmas posts! I admire you for doing Blogmas so much, I don't feel like I could manage a post every single day! x

    Erin // Everything Erin

  3. Looking forward to your posts! Wish I could take part in Blogmas this year, but my schedule is way too hectic. I wish you the best of luck! xo

  4. Very excited to see all of your christmas posts! I've got to say well done for doing Blogmas, its an amazing thing to post 25 days in a row!

  5. I'm doing blogmas too can't wait haha :) Look forward to your posts!

  6. I'm doing Blogmas!! I'm literally sooo excited for this!xx


  7. I am looking forward to your post!Would you like to follow each other to stay in touch! Just let me know!

  8. Wow, good luck! I'm looking forward to it. I'm not even going to attempt Blogmas this year - heck, I can barely manage one post a week at the moment! ;)

    Charlotte ~

  9. I was going to do blogmas again but my life isnt that interesting enough haha but im going to blog when i get a chance.

  10. Cannot wait! I am attempting blogmas too, excited yet nervous! Cannot wait to see what everyone does :)

  11. haha good luck! :) looking fwd to it :)
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog, I am following back! Good luck you are a brave girl haha! I am looking forward to your post, have a nice week!

  13. So fun you will be doing Blogmas! I just started following you so I'll be looking forward to your posts! Thank your for visiting my blog!

  14. I think this is an awesome idea and I TOTALLY understand missing a post or two because of school.
