Greetings from Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Cape Elizabeth, ME is probably one of my all-time favorite spots in New England. A short car ride from Portland, Cape Elizabeth boasts a unique opportunity to experience nature and history. In this town you will find Fort Williams Park, which is home to several historic spots. Here you will find the old fort, the Portland Head Light, and the Cliff Walk Trail to name a few. Contained in this 90 acre park is truly an enriching coastal experience! Here's what you can find in Fort Williams Park:
  • The Portland Head Light
  • Maritime Museum
  • The Cliff Walk Trail
  • Goddard Mansion
  • The Fort
  • Artillery Batteries 
  • A beach
  • Picnic spots
For more, check out their site here.

Facts About The Portland Head Light
  • It was the first lighthouse completed in present-day Maine in 1791 (Previously, Maine was apart of the Commonwealth aka Massachusetts)
  • It signals the entrance to Casco Bay
  • Thought to be the most photographed lighthouse in the world
  • On Christmas Eve in 1886 there was a shipwreck adjacent to the lighthouse where everyone survived
  • The structure attached to the lighthouse previously used as the Keeper's Quarters is now a maritime museum
  • The lighthouse is 80 feet tall
  • It is a working lighthouse technically owned and operated by the US Coast Guard, while the town owns the grounds and keeper's dwellings
  • Prior to having an aerobeacon light, whale oil lamps then fourth-order and second-order Fresnel lens were used for illumination. These can be seen in the museum
  • The second order lens is around 7 feet tall
  • In the museum you can see a great depiction of the lighthouses along the coast of Maine, as well as a 3D topographic map of the lighthouses
While in the park, enjoy the shoreline, spots for picnicking, and a stroll on the Cliff Walk Trail. Off of the trail, you can find various artillery batteries. Adjacent to Battery Keyes is the Goddard Mansion. Once home of John Goddard during the Civil War, this mansion is now in ruins.

To see what these sites look like, check out my video!



  1. What a wonderful place for a vacation, it's lovely, Molly :)

  2. Such a pretty place, I'd love to visit. Cliff Walk here in London looks nothing like this haha (very ugly)

    Now that I am back on this scene looking fwd to lots of new content from you :)
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
