Live beautifully, live joyfully!
One thing I truly believe is that beautifying a space doesn't have to break the bank. Perhaps this is the case because I am fresh out of college with new expenses, so being money conscious is a necessity, or because I just naturally look for a bargain. Either way, despite what marketers and influencers say, name brands are not a need. To me a need is balance and tranquility, and your space can promote that regardless of price. You can achieve the same look for less, and more importantly with the same feel. What's better than achieving a space that feels good, but that also makes your wallet feel good?!
This past weekend I worked on the master bedroom and love how it turned out. It is a blend of what brings my boyfriend and myself peace. From this experience, here are some of my tips and places I shopped!
(I couldn't find the exact comforter online, but above is a similar one that is $10 more.)

Define Your Style & Needs
The key to succeeding at anything is making the effort to start on the best foot possible. In this case, if you are trying to keep to a budget, know what you need to achieve your style #goals. Looking to Pinterest is always my go-to for style inspo; but use whatever method works for you. Have a look at the space you are trying to vamp up and see what is missing and what to change. Rather than buying an item, sometimes all a piece needs is a facelift with a quick sand and stain, or paint job. Assess the situation.
Set a Budget
This is a no brainer. If you are trying to stay within a budget, you first must set a reasonable budget. Understand the general price point of the items you are looking for. Chances are if you need big pieces of furniture, like a headboard or bureau, your budget may need to be more generous. For my master, I set $150 as my budget. That would allow me to get the headboard I need and other pieces to achieve a more cohesive space. Previously, we didn't have a headboard, but having one now really makes the room complete!
Explore Shops & Compare Prices
When trying to be cost efficient, never settle on the first thing you see! I often will look at multiple shops that offer the same or similar items and see where I can get the best bang for my buck. Shops that I tend to look at are Amazon, Christmas Tree Shops, Walmart, Home Sense, IKEA, and even the Dollar Tree. Also, don't overlook secondhand treasures! Places like Goodwill, Savers, Habit for Humanity, and antique shop offer one of a kind pieces, often at fair prices. Plus, if you're looking for furniture, it's often wood. Can't beat the quality of pieces from the past!
Get Crafty
As I mentioned before, the best way to work within a budget is to work with what you got. If you are able, refurbish furniture you have by sanding, and painting or staining a piece. Aim to stay with the same color palette, finishes, hardware, etc. Don't be afraid to DIY decor, as well! Channels and blogs, like mine, offer tutorials for inexpensive, but cute crafts!
Don't Overspend!!
Just a friendly reminder :) Put that extra $$ towards your next project. Mine is my kitchen!
Where do you shop for style steals?